The Grind. The 9-5. The Hustle. Bringing home the bacon. Our careers or jobs go by many names and take up a large portion of our lives. Ideally, they are rewarding and have purpose most days. Yet, for Americans in the current work culture, the routine is grueling, the alarm is always stealing sleep, and the constant go-go-go leaves us mentally drained.
The non-traditional movement of Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is rapidly gaining momentum for this very reason. The search for freedom. The search to do what you love. The search to take a break.
For most, retiring early sounds like a magic ticket to punch out one last time, but completely financially impossible. Not everyone wants to give up their latte or bike to work. Not everyone wants to keep their house at frigid temperatures.
Everyone, wants work to be optional. This non-frugal or should I say “non-penny-pinching” way to early retirement is what we have been waiting to hear about.
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Work Optional: Retire Early the Non-Penny Pinching Way
The soon to be released book, Work Optional: Retire Early the Non-Penny-Pinching Way confronts the fears and excitement with the early retirement movement from a well rounded perspective. Acting as a guide to both the investments and mental fortitude it takes to get your finances in order.
The author, Tanja Hester, is a recent early retiree. You might know her better for her blog, Our Next Life, named the Best FIRE Blog of 2017 at the 8th Annual Plutus Awards. Her story has been featured in BuzzFeed, Money Magazine, MSN, Market Watch, Mad Fientist, Tree Hugger, Life Hacker and dozens more. She is also the co-host to my favorite feminist podcast with a money lens, The Fairer Cents.
Her success and ability to retire in her 30’s has been recognized and applauded and now detailed in her book Work Optional: Retire Early the Non-Penny-Pinching Way. Tanja has a transparency and authenticity in her book you are sure to recognize if you are regular reader of her blog.

Work is intentionally included in the title and throughout the book. Unlike the traditional retirements filled with golf and beach dwelling, Tanja firmly believes that humans have an innate need to work. Maybe not the 9-5, but fulfilling work that gives life meaning.
Going beyond the conventional wisdom of retirement success, she tackles the need for purpose and balance. Tanja, and her husband Mark Bunge live this very belief with intention. They keep a healthy mix of adventure with their service and creativity.
Work Optional will walk you through every step. I am being quite literal when I say that. The book is full of lists. Handy checklists that make each big step a series of small chunks. It will be a to-do list you actually want to do.
There is no finger wagging or “you shoulds” that fill the pages. It is a non-preachy writing style that leaves room for multiple stories. She speaks to early retirement as retiring ANYTIME before your turn 62.
The book builds overtime, as any good read would. From crafting your own personal money mission to the practical advice that doesn’t ask you to dumpster dive, this is a read for anyone who want to be free from the daily grind and make work optional.
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