HH Finance

What we are Taking and Trashing for 2018: Ideas, Ways to Save, and Inspiration

2017. This was a huge year for us both financially and emotionally. We did everything from travel for $8000 and travel for free. We lost a pet, had to amputate our cats foot, and still managed to climb every mountain we could find on the weekends.

Oh, and did I mention we bought and renovated a home, HerFI won 5 photography competitions, and we went to every local political rally we could, diving into being activists for women.

Lastly, we started a blog. Three blogs to be exact with all the attached social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Our blogs are His and Her FI Post, Phone Photography Pro (HerFI’s) and Everyday Travel Wear (HisFI’s).

While these are the major highlights, we are grateful for it all, the big and small. We thought it would be beneficial to share what worked and what didn’t for us in 2017.

Taking It

Working with your Partner or Significant Other
Apps that Saved Us: Earny and Personal Capital
Cutting the Cable
Travel Hacking
Investing more than the Minimum and Maxing it Out
Switching Car Insurance
Etsy Stores and Teachers Pay Teachers for Passive Income
Meditate every morning before work

Trash It

Making our Own Bread
Travel with Tour Companies
Traditional 40 year careers
Skillshare Classes
Nespresso Cups
Working out in a traditional way

Those That Inspired Us When it Was Tough

The listed materials are ones that we found inspirational for one reason or another. Not all of them are connected to FI directly, but they helped us on our journey.


Books (Affiliate Links):

Documentaries on Netflix:


Our journey to FI has been a short one this year, lasting only 5 months out of 2017. Yet, in that time, we have saved, scraped and most importantly educated ourselves on money. We learned to set goals, communicate, and are excited to continue with what we have started.

Hint: One of our goals is to share more video based content!


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