This is for all teachers and educators interested in finances. Whether your journey is towards financial independence, financial freedom, early retirement, or how to best utilize your benefits this is the list of resources and writers for you. Teachers’ finances are essential to be aware of. Who better to learn from than someone just like you- a teacher or educator navigating the world of finance and sharing their stories and advice.
Not only am I creating this list for others, but also myself. I have been struggling with feeling a bit burnt out and considering alternatives that would offer me more creative time (such as teaching online) or a whole career change (SCARY). I recently read a great interview on Women Who Money by Tawnya from Money Saved is Money Earned and was given a little hope and breath of fresh air. While I am not sure what is in store for my future, I am sure that this list will be a great tool for all educators and teachers.
I was equally inspired by a fellow PNW blogger who is RAD – Tread Lightly, Retire Early – She composed a comprehensive list of over 100 Women bloggers in the Personal Finance Sphere. So be sure to check that out after this list!
For many teachers, our finance situation is specific and as you already know- the struggle of a teacher is only known by those who have walked in our shoes. As a traditionally underpaid position, there are some of us sharing our knowledge of money and how to get where we want to be despite the struggles. Stay connected and follow these individuals on twitter, subscribe to their blogs, leave a comment and learn.
This is an all inclusive list for professional educators in the school systems, so if I have missed someone be sure to let me know and I will send them a link to the google form to complete. [Or if you want to add your best piece of advice. ]
Let’s do what we do best: Share our knowledge.
The Official Roster of
Finance Blogs Written by Teachers and Educators
Farmhouse Finance
Farmhouse Finance are a millennial husband and wife team in upstate New York realizing their dreams of building a house and living the good life on teachers’ salaries. Mindful spending, minimalism, side hustles and regular net-worth updates are just some of the content they have to offer.
Best Piece of Advice: Stay the path. (This is my current mantra for sticking with our plan to meet our financial goals.)
Goal Accomplished
Goal Accomplished was started and inspired by her mother who managed to juggle everything all at once. from recipes to personal growth- the blog offers a “right now” perspective for its readers. Author of Goal Accomplished resides in Oneonta NY and went from being an art teacher to now a homeschool mom- she is in the thick of it daily!
His and Her FI Post
That’s me! HisFi is an Engineer and I am an Art Teacher located in the Pacific Northwest. I currently teach Graphic Design, Photography and Drawing. Previously I taught all English to High School Seniors. Our blog covers our journey and we do it together along with a podcast. To learn more about us go here.
Best Piece of Advice: Write grants for funds. For teachers they are typically only one page requests. Do not spend your own money if at all possible. On the note of self care- show up for you. If you are not caring for yourself- then you will not be the most effective in the classroom.
Make Smarter Decisions
Millennial Money Man
Millennial Money Man is one of the well known figures in the FI community. Bobby Hoyt started his career as a high school band teacher and is now an entrepreneur full time with his blog and courses. Millennial Money Gal, Coral, is a former 5th grade teacher and 50% owner of Millennial Money Man blog. Their mantra has become “I did it and you can too.” Crushing student loan debt and teaching you how to start a blog with their millennial cat can all be found at the link above.
Money is Not Taboo
Keith Shindler, aka Shin is the author of Money is Not Taboo and a former teacher/counselor. He and his wife have gone from constantly broke to retired in their 50’s. The basis of the blog is to increase financial literacy and share what financial practices have been successful.
Money Saved is Money Earned
Tawnya is located in the Portland Oregon and teaches Elementary Special Education in a treatment school. She is a frugal teacher and blogs with Sebastian, a financial analyst. Together their complementary skills work to help you unlock the secrets of the financial world! Their goal is to teach people of all ages how financial systems work, and how to take advantage of these systems to save big money.
Best Piece of Advice: Utilize your benefits
Mr. Jamie Griffin
Mr. Jamie Griffin is a Middle School teacher in Minnesota and finance blogger. On his blog you can find tips and tools (including free spreadsheets) for help you get to financial freedom and out of debt. His family paid off 73k in students loans in less than 4 years.
Best Piece of Advice: Be efficient and intentional with your money. Also find a good work/life balance.
Peace Out and In
Jaye is located in Illinois and currently teaches English at the College level. Her writing focuses on seeking peace through self-reflection and action. She has been focusing on striving for peace with finances.
Best Piece of Advice: You can love your job and even have been called to it. That doesn’t mean you can’t be paid well for it.
Precise Words
Retiring to the Road
Katie and Matt are based out of Maryland. Katie is an early intervention teachers for children with delays and disabilities. They currently write a blog tracking their path to saving up so they can retire early and hit the road in a towable tiny house. Preaching simplicity and minimalism along the way.
Best Piece of Advice: You can’t be a teacher if you don’t have dedication. Direct that dedication where it needs to go and you can make big things happen.
She Picks Up Pennies
Located in the Midwest, Penny is an educator in her early 30’s who lives in the ‘burbs of a big Midwestern city with her husband and baby. She strives to live a more purposeful life one cent at a time. Her and her husband paid off $84k in debt in 3 years with some serious side hustling and saving. Plutus Award Finalist, her posts are inspiring!
Teacher Investor
Teacher Investor is a teacher, parent, musician, professor and early retiree hopeful. Topics on this blog include everything from policy reform to the 403b. The goal of Teacher Investor is to help you with all things personal finance- as well as give an inside peep into the financial life of a teacher.
The Dragons on FIRE
Dragon Gal lives in the US and blogs about health and wealth. Dragon Gal has been a teacher for 19 years. She taught high school English, fourth grade, and Mandarin (as an elementary enrichment class). She was also a tutor, creative writing teacher, and SAT prep teacher. She quit her full-time teaching job in 2017. Currently, she occasionally teaches adult ESL classes on a part-time basis.
Best Piece of Advice: It was easy to get sucked into buying things for my classroom, but I learned to make do with something else I already had in my supplies closet. For teaching: Nothing blew up today. Nobody died. It was a good day at school.
The Millionaire Educator
A teaching couple’s journey to Financial Independence, these two teachers are boasting major savings rates and setting their son up for a great financial future. While teachers in La Grange Georgia, they were able to save an average of $8000 a month. Last year they enjoyed living in Merida Mexico and taking a year off work. They have now bought a home back in Georgia where they taught for three years. A wealth (literally) of knowledge on teaching benefits, plans and investing.
The Teacher on FIRE
Teacher on Fire is a French Canadian who currently resides in the midwest. He is studying here in the US and completing a Masters Degree. His blog covers his personal and professional success journey and has a focus on personal finance.
The Three Year Experiment
Laurie is a tenacious dreamer who intends to be location independent by the time she is 40. Her and her family made this happen and are currently working on doubling their net worth. She spends the summers traveling with her family and made Charlotte North Carolina their base camp…for now!
Your Money Sorted
Eileen is a PE teacher in the UK for a secondary school. She is also a mum and UK Money Blogger/financial coach. She loves helping people create a life they love, through improving their relationship with money.
Best Pieces of Advice: Decide where you want to be in 5 year’s time, then get out there and make it happen!
Teachers Talk Finance: Begin Today
Follow, Share, Tweet, and Comment. All of this is good- but make sure to apply what you read. As educators and teachers- we tend to be life long learners- use it for all aspects of your life- not just in the classroom. We got this!
Thank you to all those teachers and educators who contributed to this post. Continue to share your life, struggles, advice, and of course finances.
Wow! I had no idea there were so many of us! Thanks for putting this resource together.
You are so welcome! We are some savvy folks here in the Personal Finance world.
Cool list! I didn’t realize there were that many teacher bloggers.
My wife will appreciate these since she’s a biology teacher… great, now she won’t read mine… haha.
Haha! She might even throw you ideas.
Thank you.
This is a great list! I’ve been commenting on/stalking some of these blogs and didn’t even realize they were fellow teachers!
Too cool! I did not realize you were a teacher. If you would like to be added to the list send me an e-mail and I will send you the google form.
Thank you so much for putting this list together!
You are so welcome!
Thanks so much for including me! I’m excited to check out the blogs of my fellow teachers!
Great list of blogs by my fellow educators! I’d love if you could add mine to the list! As a middle school teacher for fifteen years and mommy to four young children, I write about financial independence for teachers on my blog,
Thanks for compiling this list! Super useful!