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Simple Vegan Eating Grocery List

Simple vegan eating means a focus on a whole foods, plant based diet. Each meal is composed of a starch/grain, fat/omega-3 source and tons of veggies. Snacks are typically fruit and berries. These can of course be incorporated into desserts or a part of the meal as well. This is not a hard and fast rule by any means but a way of organizing your meals when switching over from any diet.

Remember simple vegan eating is just that- simple. Do not over think it! Have some go to recipes so that you do not feel strained after a long day.

We switched over to eating Vegan just this year and the transition was a bit rocky. I think I had it in my head that I needed to be making these elaborate dishes or still serving at least 3 things on the plate. For example, before going vegan a normal meal for us would have been grilled chicken, asparagus and potatoes. The main portion of the meal was meat (and sometimes dairy) making it a mindset shift to eating vegan.

Thanks to the help of my Aunt (a long time vegan), a few cookbooks and positive attitude I am now making some great dishes that are filling and delicious. They key was discovering simple vegan eating. It is doable for anyone, but does require a stocked pantry and knowing what to have in the home.

Simple Tips:


The only downside to vegan eating is that you do need to buy produce on a weekly basis. For us, this was a challenge since we value our time and preferred previously to go to Costco and load up for 2-3 weeks. Yet, I am reminded that we did not get nearly enough veggies and fruits this way and regardless of being vegan or not- it was something that needed to be improved in our diet.

Here is what we purchase weekly, bi-weekly and keep stocked in the pantry. We do not buy ALL the vegetables on the list- but whatever is in season, on sale or needed for a go to recipe.

Keep Stocked in Pantry
Keep Stocked in Spice Cupboard: (Unless growing in garden)
Keep Stocked in Fridge:
Keep Stocked in Freezer

Things Not on the List We Splurge On:

Sometimes you just want ice cream. What can I say. These things are typically highly processed but we enjoy them every once in awhile.




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