Zero from Zero 2 FIRE comes on the show to tell her story. A powerful story at that, battling 3 grand mal seizures, brain surgery, and rheumatoid arthritis. Grit is a word I don’t use lightly with her, she has had to face more challenges in her 20’s than most of us will have to in our lives.
Zero overcame these challenges all while living in New York, saving $100k before she turned 30, and to top it off never making more than $60k a year.
This is a story of someone who may not be able to work into their 60’s, making FIRE and early retirement not a nice to have, but a must have.
Please join us in listening to this amazing human being.

Zero | Website | Advocacy Website | Twitter | Instagram | Instagram 2
Topics Covered:
- Having a grand mal seizure at 21
- Helping others with disabilities
- Moved to New York on $300 a week
- How someone started work in IT with no experience
- How Zero found FIRE
- Dealing with rheumatoid arthritis
- Medical costs and FIRE
- Tips to save money on a lower income
- Living now vs saving for tomorrow
- Do a social media self audit
- Overcoming depression
Referenced Links:
- Here’s how to help someone who is having a seizure
- Behind the “Picture-Perfect”
- ChooseFI Facebook Group
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