Welcome back to season 2 of the HisandHerFI Podcast. We are kicking off the season with Ty Roberts.
You may recognize the name as he is the owner and curator of Camp Fire Finance. A directory that features the best articles in the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) world.
We look at the origin story of Ty, how he got to where he is and the eventual start to his newest creation, Camp Fire Finance.
You can listen to any place podcasts are found as well as right here with the built in player. Enjoy!

Ty Roberts | Website | Twitter | Facebook
Topics Covered:
- Earliest money memory
- Discovering FIRE
- Ty’s own money journey and background
- A blogger who doesn’t like writing
- The creation of Camp Fire Finance
- Goal and future of Camp Fire Finance
- Equally representing articles from both genders
- Retiring early
Referenced Links:
- Rockstar Finance
- Women Who Money
- Submit your article to Camp Fire Finance
- Fire Feed
- What is FIRE
- Jim Collins Simple Path to Wealth (affilate link)
- The Shocking Simple Math Behind Early Retirement
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Thank you for having me on your podcast, Bethany and Charles! It was a lot of fun chatting with you and talking all things Camp FIRE Finance. Looking forward to hearing the rest of His & Her FI Season 2!
Of course! 🙂 You were awesome.