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Podcast 01 – Our 3 Roadblocks to Pursuing Financial Independence

podcast financial independence

Welcome again to the official launch of the HisandHerFI podcast. We are starting off the season with our beginning. This is a look into how we discovered FI for Her and Him. What started as a way to try and save money by learning about travel hacking morphed into this complete lifestyle change into a pursuit to FI.

We had a rough start on this path as we had to overcome relationship hurdles first. We never really talked about finances together and my first attempt to bring it up didn’t go so well. See below for the topics we talk about and the links to what we reference in the show. To read more of what we are all about, take a look at our About us page.

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Topics Covered:

  1. Discovering FIRE (Financial Independence/Retire Early)
  2. Introducing FIRE to your partner
  3. Lifestyle inflation
  4. Changing mindset about money
  5. Analyzing and changing habits
  6. Finding minimalism and focusing on what you value

Referenced Links:

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