His and Her FI Post

Decluttering Tips for Hoarders: Steps towards Minimalism

We decided more recently to sell the furniture in our home that was not being used. You know like those cute chairs in the entry way that no one ever sits on because they are too cute. The picture above is our living room. There was a time when it was much more cluttered and filled with things. It has been a process for us to clean out the rooms and sell off items, but I have loved every minute of it. And our decluttering tips can help you do the same.

In this post I will share some ways to get started if the piles are high, the best decluttering tips I have found, the easiest things to throw away now, and some of my decluttering goals for the future.

Decluttering Tips and The Realities of Consumerism

We as consumerists are encouraged to fill our closets and garages with things. To save for the “just in case” or because of the memory attached to the item. There are literally football fields of storage units across the US that are filled with stuff not intended for moving.

We were no exception to this collection of items and from the time we moved into our first rental home, to the home we own now, we have been working towards getting to the bare bones and finding a space that is comfortable.

The accumulation of items and hoarding our nicks and nacks has been linked to high levels of stress and anxiety according to WebMD. Since I do not particularly love cleaning, the decluttering has been something I really enjoy.

Yes, our cat is cute.

It is important to mention that when I talk about hoarding here- I am talking about it in the sense of our need to collect items and have them fill spaces. Not the DSM mental condition of hoarding, which is something I cannot speak too.

The Best Ways to Get Started when the Piles are High and Corners are Stuffed

Getting started with the decluttering tips listed here can be daunting. Here are 3 easy ways to get started with decluttering.

1. Reduce One Day at a Time

Rome was not built in a day. It has taken us a long time to get to a bare bones set up. We also had set backs and dumb purchases- so be kind with yourself and take the time you need to start going through stuff. There are many challenges out there that are helpful for this like- Give one item away everyday for 30 days, or the 5 day Minimalism challenge that takes you from your purse to your junk drawer.

2. Choose one section at a time

Just like the tip above- with taking your time- also pick one area at a time so as not to get overwhelmed. I started with my car glove box and did not even look at the home at first.

3. Make some Money

Look at what larger items you can sell and make some money. This is always incentive to declutter! Offer Up, Next-door, and Facebook Marketplace are all easy places to sell your items and maybe put that in your emergency fund.


Decluttering Tips and Tricks:

One day at a time, one section at a time and make some money! Some of these ideas will work for you, but probably not all of them. So pick and choose for yourself.

Decide what is memory clutter and why you would actually keep it

Create a “Grab and Go” Place in the home.
Try the Numbers Game
Give Away
Surface Clearing
When in Doubt- Do the Cardboard Box Test
Get rid of the Paper
Take it to Charity


Things You Can Get Rid of Now:

There are some things that we just do not need in the 21st century, or maybe things we never needed in the first place. Here are some things you can get rid of right now if you only have 20 minutes to start executing these decluttering tips.

Craft Supplies
Picture Frames
Unidentifiable Cords
Formal Wear
Socks without a mate
Expired Makeup
Last Years Holiday Cards
Appliance Manuals
Mix Tapes, CDS and other old Electronics


Decluttering Tips and Final Thoughts

Our other cat is also cute.

Lived in is OK
Minimalism is a Trend, but it doesn’t have to be

The Hardest Part

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