HH Finance

Bravely Go Freelancing: The Guide that Every New Freelancer Needs

The Ultimate Side Hustle! Freelancing! *Said in a loud jumbotron voice* is a narrative that echoes across the bloggersphere. We have all seen them flowing on our Pinterest boards and twitter feeds; the posts that boast in the amount of income one can make as a Freelancer.

It sounds dreamy.

The Dream and the Gap

I have decided recently to channel my design and writing talents and start freelancing. I have picked out my name, bought the domain for my portfolio and started collecting works to put on there.

As I get things together, what I could not seem to find was a practical step by step guide for what I needed to do…If you know me at all, you know I am a rule follower and planner. Lord. I freaking love to plan, so you can imagine my chagrin at not finding the practical information for freelancing in one place. Or really even knowing where to start.

I needed advice on literally everything freelancing. My previous design work was done in a company and I have always had the W-2 jobs. This left me ready to roll into freelancing with the skills but lacking all practical knowledge like taxes, invoicing, rates and how to organize money made from freelancing.

A Guide that meets you where you are at

This is where Bravely Go steps in to empower individuals who are feeling just like me. Kara Perez assembled the ultimate guide to starting up freelancing that covers exactly that- the practical behind the scenes work of working for yourself.

Kara is the perfect person to go over all the paperwork and nitty gritty for freelancing. She has never had a 9-5 job, but has worked in over 5 different industries. Kara is currently freelancing and CEO of Bravely Go. The mission of Bravely is to give self identified women financial tools to bridge the gap between their dreams and realities. Literally speaking right to me!

Not only is she a freelancer, but she has also turned Bravely into an LLC., making her breadth of knowledge even more comprehensive. Her cogent writing and growing brand makes me confident in what she brings to the table.

She writes with her mission in mind, keeping it approachable and easy to follow. Kara understands what you need to know and what you don’t, tailoring her guide to include the formulas, paperwork and step by step pieces so you can feel in control and keep your head above water.

Not that I won’t feel like I am drowning from time to time as I start this freelancing venture, but at least I have some help at the start.

Freelancing for many is a side hustle that turns into a career. This means it is not something to take lightly and worth some investment. My goal is to turn my freelancing into the career shift I need within a few years. Kara’s guide covers how to get started, how to find clients, and how to stay organized and pay your taxes and was a life saver for me.

Honestly, anything that can take away some of the anxiety I have since I am in team ‘no idea what I am getting into’ is a good thing. I would also say that even if you have started your freelancing and you kind of know what you are doing with clients etc. – If you have not yet braved your taxes or having money organization systems in place- then you need to get with this guide.

Turns out freelancing can lead to your dream life. Come down from the clouds and get grounded with this guide so you can Bravely Go freelancing with the knowledge you actually need to get there.



Perez, Kara.” Bravely Freelance Starter Guide.” Bravelygo.com. 2018.
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