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Podcast 04 – What it Actually Takes to Achieve your Goals. Staying Productive and Accountable.

getting the work done

Setting a goal is easy, actually putting in the work to achieve that goal? A whole different story. This episode almost didn’t happen because we waited until a Sunday night to record and weren’t feeling very motivated. Nevertheless we persisted and it gave us even more motivation to talk about today’s episode.

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What does balance look like for us creating a blog and podcast while still working our jobs and living life? We share some of our strategies into how we stay productive and some of our struggles. A big help in increasing our own productivity was reading the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. Writing down your wildest dreams and your biggest fears gives you focus and motivation to work towards your goals.

Get some ideas from our own dreams and fears and how to write your own SMART goals. We also throw in what has been working for us to make the day-to-day just a little bit easier. Remember, we often overestimate what we can do in a short amount of time and underestimate what we can do in a long amount of time. Let those little accomplishments stack up into something big!

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